Family Service Hours
Each school family is expected to complete at least 10 hours of service activities customized to your family’s schedule!
What makes this program so special for Immanuel and its families?
To help provide structure for activities which promote the mission of Immanuel Lutheran School.
To give parents a way to illustrate by example how to actively use their time and talent for the mission.
To bring new and returning families together, working for a common good.
To “share the burden, share the glory.” We are a small school, but a powerful school. Small private schools like Immanuel need service helpers from all families to stay the course.
TO MAKE THE KIDS FEEL GREAT!! When a student’s family is actively involved at their school, a child truly knows they are a part of a Christian school family!
Tips to Remember:
Your family’s hours may be completed by a parent, grandparent or an older child of high school or college age.
More than 1 person from your family can serve at the same activity, and each person’s hours will count.
Think about helping out in one of these ways. They all count for your hours!!
Chaperone a field trip
Help with a classroom party
Coach or assist an Immanuel sports team
Anything you do to help the students and teachers of Immanuel also helps your family earn your 10 required service hours. It doesn’t have to be listed here to count! If you have a special skill or ability that you share with our church and school community…it counts!!
Thank you for being a blessing to our school and students!!
Volunteer Guidelines
Volunteers are dedicated persons, and they help the school serve the students. Volunteers enhance the learning of students by assisting in a variety of ways.
These guidelines are designed to be helpful for volunteers who have sustained contact with students at the school site. They are intended to make volunteering a valuable experience for the students and for the volunteer.
1. Accountability - The school administrator is responsible for the daily operation of the school and supervises all staff and volunteers. The classroom teacher is responsible for implementing the educational program. with the students in his/her care. Volunteers assist the teacher and take their direction from the teacher or staff person in charge of the activity.
2. Two Adult Rule - All adult volunteers should observe the “two” adult rule. This requires that our adult volunteers are never alone with children, i.e. another adult should always be present.
3. Those Who Are Not Allowed To Volunteer - Adults who have been convicted of either child sexual or physical abuse may not serve as a volunteer in any school-sponsored activity or program for children.
4. Volunteer Commitment - If for some reason a volunteer cannot meet his/her commitment, the teacher or supervisor should be informed as soon as possible so the day’s schedule can be adjusted.
5. Confidentiality - Classroom volunteers sometimes have access to privileged information. They have opportunity to observe individual students, or interaction among students or between students and teachers, or to hear comments made by children. Information of this sort needs to be treated as confidential.
Volunteers do not discuss a child’s apparent behavior problems or academic needs with the child’s parent—and certainly not with other parents. Volunteers who have concerns about what they’ve observed should discuss their concern with the teacher or the administrator. Contact with the home should come from the professional staff.
Student Behavior Discipline is under the direction of the trained professional staff. Volunteers are not responsible for administering any disciplinary measures. The volunteer should instead report behavior problems to the teacher.
Visitor’s Badge
All visitors must sign in at the office and wear a visitor’s badge while on the premises. The faculty and staff at Immanuel Lutheran School strive to keep our students safe. Measures incorporated include locking all outside doors and requesting all visitors to check in and wear a visitor badge.