Rates & Hours
Registration: $100/camper (Non-Refundable)
***Jr Camp (Rising PS-PK) ILS Students only:
$225/week (8:30 am - 3:30 pm)
Camp (Rising K-6th):
$200/week (8:30 am - 3:30 pm)
After Care:
$60/week (3:30 pm - 5:00 pm)
~ No multi-child discount is available.
~ All Fees must be paid in full prior to each week of camp your child is registered.
~ A 10% discount will be given for all camps paid in full by May 30 regardless of when your camper begins.
~ If registration needs to be cancelled, please contact the business office.​
Ages & Groups
***Jr Camp - Rising PS (if completed JPS at ILS), - Rising PK (3s and 4s, if completed PS at ILS)
Ratio is 1 camp counselor to 8 children.
Camp - Rising K - 6th grade students
Ratio is 1 camp counselor to 10 children.​
Where possible we split this camp into two groups (younger and older).
Junior counselors assist with each group.
Join us for one week or consider spending the whole summer with us.
If your child is going to be in ***Preschool 3's - 6th grade (in the 25/26 school year) they are eligible to register for our camp program.
Daily devotions with our campers and weekly Bible verses set the tone for engaging, Christ-centered camps.
***Our Jr Camp is only open to children who have completed our JPS 2's or our PS 3's programs and who are fully potty trained.
Week 1: June 2 - 6
Acts of Kindness
Surprising people with random acts of kindness is a sure way to encourage, cheer people up, and bring some joy their way! Campers will spend time creating various items they will use to share with others in our community.
Week 2: June 9 - 13
Lights, Camera, Action!
This week we explore aspects of theater. Campers will participate in acting exercises, play games, create, use puppets, and produce their own play to other campers.
Week 3: June 16 - 20
VBS and Sports-Hooray!
Our morning time will be centered around Vacation Bible School (VBS) where we learn different Bible stories, make crafts, sing, play games, etc. After, campers will play more games, matches, tournaments and be TEAM PLAYERS!
Week 4: June 23 - 27
All Things Art
Learn about some fascinating artists and make art pieces in their style. Campers will explore the beauty of art and have fun creating along the way!
Week 5: June 30 - July 2 (closed July 3 & 4) (Fees: Jr Camp - $135; Camp - $120; Aftercare-$36)
Say “YES” to the Mess!
A hodgepodge of activities and mediums will be used as campers blend, mold, sculpt, paint and simply have some FUN getting a little messy!
Week 6: July 7 - 11
A week of exploring different musical instruments, song and dance, will be our focus. Campers will make a "joyful noise" and will sing, play and make homemade instruments.
Week 7: July 14 - 18
Water Week
Make a SPLASH! We think outdoor water play is an essential part of our summer, so this week is dedicated to all things water. Campers will bring their bathing suits and have some fun with water activities, games and much, much more!
Week 8: July 21 - 25
Christmas In July
In the heat of the summer, our campers will get into the Christmas spirit making crafts and ornaments, learn about Jesus' birth and sing some Christmas carols! Always a favorite around here!
Week 9: July 28 - 31
STEM (Science) Week
Explore a variety of STEM activities by immersing in hands-on and interactive learning. Campers will build items such as bottle rockets, towers, mini catapults and problem-solve while creating!
ILS is closed August 1 until the first day of school so the classrooms will be ready for the academic school year.